In the event of a joyous union of Christmas, I was manufactured by my creator. So far as my memory goes, I opened my eyes along with a couple of my brothers in a tiny outlet in Vijayawada. I think it is in Andra Pradesh. Soon, after my birth, I was placed in a beautiful Metro shoe outlet in Hyderabad.
I soon discovered that the creator was also the owner of the shop. His name is Ramalinga R. He kept me in a nice glass outlet. I was being looked after everyday. At times, I woke up quite early with a tiny pat of brush. I was appreciated for my color, design and quality. Its nice to be complimented when you know you are full of charisma and power.
It is this power that made Ramalinga R ship me to the Garden city of India, Bangalore. I later learnt that Bangalore is the most polluted and congested city.
Anyway, after much travel I reached Bangalore and soon found myself in a large showroom of a mall. I later learnt from my brothers, my new residence was Forum, a large mall in Koramangala. Over the next few days, I got glances from onlookers. Some tried me out, some did fashion parade.
Then one fine day, a curious looking guy..actually eccentric one came over to the showroom. I said curious because he looked twice more eager to know about the shoe size than the shoes. Anyway, he had a glance across me and took me up. The way he examined my body isn't that of a master, but that of a baby.
Years later, I came to know that his secret of winning girls' hearts. He seem to be confused of taking a pick between me and my brother. But! as luck would have it, I soon found myself in a bag packed with this nice young lad. I found myself a nice chamber of shoes. Days later, he took me along with him to a large palace.
I later found it was where he worked. Infosys. All these years, I have been a part of his happiness and sadness. I can't forget the way he jumped in joy after he won an award in quiz and in stc, his moments of desperation when he broke up with his girlfriend, the long dwindling nights where he went to pub from a office, times he leapt up in joy after a date.
I still remember the times he used to get offended and threw me wherever he liked, but then of course in the early morning hours, used to come and brush me again.But today, I stay in the house and he goes to office with a new person. I don't know but I think its from my arch rival Le Cooper. I hate him!