His father is an ideal man, someone who lived his entire life based on principles and ideologies. Someone who vented out his emotions seeing oppression and injustice. Honesty is his clock, and he wore it with pride though he had a price to pay for it; a price that had financial stigma attached to it.

His father diagnosed with Chronic Pancreas ailment have to undergo this treatment. Prem had been on his toes running helter skelter for many weeks now. That he has been working professional made things tough bit at times, but an ever supportive girlfriend and a great mother had things easy.
His ladylove was younger to him in age, but her innocence and loving nature made things easy for him. Also, she had lost her cousin a few days back did not stop her from caring about him. It was due to this reason that their love blossomed.
As Prem discussed things at his own peril, his mother intimated him that he had been an unwanted child. They thought that after two boy kids it was no longer necessary for them to have a third boy child. They wanted a girl.But then the doctor pleaded them to have the baby and then decide.
But his parents feel that that would have committed a blunder for Prem watches the world in their eyes; he has made them realize the existence of happiness...struggles in life has made him weak to the core, but he has never let himself feel gloomy for that. As he sits outside the theatre, a silence mixed with memories of far and near creeps up.
The warm embrace of a compassionate father, the mercilessness in helping the kid take the first steps, unforgettable teachings in the form of plays, dinner and lunch table discussions slowly creeps in.
"Congratulations! your father is hale and hearty," the doctor's voice broke to get Prem out of the thoughts. It has been a sweet musing. Prem clasped doctor's both hands and rushed to intimate his mother of the news.