"a free bird her like cannot be caged..she has to flee"
Java city has told and unfolded a many love stories but how often have these stories sound REAL to you? this is also not a real story. It never happened . The characters never existed. They are a poet's imagination, a writer's coinage for a lunch and a 26 year old guy's passion. Don't believe a single word of it cause if you do you might have to brace yourself and laugh at this fella. This story has romance, drama and a lot of passion of course suspense added to it.
chilly nights and it wasn't the best for a teetotaler. As he hunched for a quick Cappuchino, his trembling hands were browsing for someone he didn't even know. He had broken up on a relationship that smell of lust. He doesn't wish to talk about her-never again.
Anyway, the past few months had taken a toll on his mental and physical. Often a times, he felt breathless- he searched for air, at time he wished to cry but a man he was he just couldn't.www. orkut.com, suddenly he noticed this profile. -- oom! that's the central character of the story. He scraped her just like he did to another girl but this time he didn't receive a response.
Few days passed Beautiful and pretty- she is no doubt, but from the very first day he found her subtlness..she tried to dissuade her allusion that she didn't believe in love, crafted a scene that she hates everything that spoke about passion and substance, used to run away from all this. She also liked to confine and put herself in a shelf of not being friendly. Often at times, this was taken by people as sheer attitude and know what he found it at first notice. But things were started behaving a lil different with times.
They started conversing more regular on chat messengers and time came when the guy poped up the million dollar question to her "could we talk over the phone?" at first notice, it was a mess to think cause both of them wished. They did speak, the guy tried donning a cool cap and ushered songs and all, but took a back seat. she didn't expect to anyway keep in touch with this lad. He found her amusing, moody most of the times and she wasn't at all happy with this guy.
Time for me to give you an idea on . She hails from Jeddah, a place that people say is highly conservative when it comes to women. She did her schooling from there and went to Dubai for higher studies. Adventurous, colorful and full of smile, she was all smiles in her life and doing what every teenager were aspiring to- successful. She finished her studies over there and came to a land where certain
things were awaiting for her. Yes, you guessed it correct-LOVE.
anyway talented in every sense, is a fashion designer whose doing a fabulous job in her career. She has great plans and God shall see her success..
Here are couple of points:
She has a problem when someone tries to get closer to her and eventually gets hurt.
At times expectations ruins everything and she has stop expecting much from her life
She is very close to her family members and hence she is scared to hurt them
Then you should become her family member and with that there should be no complaints. Good luck.
Mate! you seem to caste a spell through your writing. This Chennai girl is lukcy...
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