[I am sharing this due to one of my friends request to guide him on the topic of asking his girl to come down to his room. Girls, please in no way I am responsible for any sort of resentment that may arose after reading this.
This is a purely work of fiction and any resemblance to any characters is purely unintentional.]
Firstly, do not jump at the very instant you hear this. A perfect way to accept this great news is "ashana". Do you do meditation? My better half told me once, "Deep, meditate na. Everything will be at peace than."
Important thing is she did not tell me how long do I have to hold my breadth. By the way, I do not have any saying in front of those large eyes :) I'll have passed out had she not knocked at the door than :) Ask her, since most of the times she gives some weird reasons but this is life and death.
Clean your room. The first impression is that she would hate to walk into a house which is an epitome of dirtiness. Clean it. Spray some nice room freshener especially the living room. I am such a hygienic person. Don't trust me! check the police records. And, if that does not satisfy, check all my examination papers till now. Most of them are spotless white.
Now, decide what time she is going come to your place. Have a quick shower! Dress up light. Don't wear something glossy. If you are going to be naughty, dress seductively. A Kerala towel will do wonders.
When she is at your place, and she has come bit early, do not hesitate to invite her to your kitchen. Girlfriends have always this habit of sneaking and snooping here and there. Even, if she is there in the kitchen, she will make it a habit to scan each and every nook. Do not forget to hide those beer bottles and empty cans.

If she is coming to your place for the first time and your staying with a gang of roomies, be a gentleman. Throw your roomies out or politely ask them to take their assess out for a day. Never ever ask her to come before the 'enemies' are outside.
When you are at the kitchen preparing food or anything that may involve separation for more than 5 minutes, please carry any valuable articles or objects with you. Please check that your mobile phone has any traces of your ex-girlfriend's messages. And, huh! most importantly, never ever speak about your ex before them. Sure! turn off.
The first time, she comes, make it a habit to have a lot of conversation. Don't keep staring at her for long time. Most of the girls do not like it.
i think you have done research....
oh gawd! seriously dude, you are a love guru :) start a consultancy. Btw: girls fall for your words. You surely know how to make girls fall for u ass:)
hmm...so are u a single ..just curious..pass ur cellno..he he
experience speaks for thee.....what a fan following have fun
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