I am of course in the streets of Pondycherry, and though they are hardly any faces, which can scream "oh! my God! that is Raj!" I am actually thinking about my people.

I was in fierce competition as there were seriously some hunks riding in the isle. I had lost any interest for her. But then when I came to know of her interest for me, I was why me? though in my heart, I wanted to date her. Honestly, she could not believe when I turned down to go out with her.
My family is very special and I owe a lot to them for whatever I am today. But then some of my special ones forget it. They have completely forgotten what parents are all about. A small meager of financial amount will not and never buy my parents happiness. Respect is what they crib for and would my special ones understand their folly before its too late.
My life has been interesting and quite unpredictable. And as I pen this blog piece on my Nokia Blackberry device, I view a ship on the distant waters. Slowly, its invisible. I hope I burn out soon before I fade away slowly.
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