Needless, to say such a transition does not happen without an iota of suspicion. We are running into the 62 years of Indian Independence, and still the doubt- can these third world countries execute core development work from offshore? It feels good when all of these suspicion are laid off to rest. In this piece, I will share a conversation that happen over a meeting between Deep and a manager in offshore.
Deep is always surprised when managers calls him to their cubicle. Deep is happy if there is an opposite gender female ready to offer me a cup of coffee at any day or evening, for that he is ready to drink any bashing. It is a fact that he gets more bashing from his girlfriend than love.
But anyway, the manager called him up, and he gave Deep a brief outline of the project and asked him a random question: how is it going? Now, "how is it going" and "you are an asset to the company" are two random statements from any manager. Deep didn't know at what sense he has judged him, but felt good. Also,Deep is not used to compliments, so whenever and whatever comes along, he accepted it gleefully.
After initial haansi mazak he asked Deep how was the work going. Deep told him what he felt. But, then he dropped a bomb. He said that since it is a transition project, it has to be done in a very discreet fashion. There were onsite people in the project who were losing and had lost jobs because of the transition. In a nutshell:he told Deep to be careful. The knowledge transfer needs to be completed smoothly, and even if he had identified any issues, it has to be tucked inside the coffin. Interesting, Interesting!!!Deep thought his post-lunch sleeping secret would also come out.
Deep came back out of the room understanding a major point- in the near future if there are issues, and you go back to the team citing an earlier observations from the onsite team, they would blame you for not taking it earlier. Deep sat on the chair and started thinking. For the first time, he understood that politics has found a place in the IT Projects. The cellphone beeped: "come down for tea". Like every other IT fella, Deep took a walk with a mug of tea. Only this time, the tea-break wasn't late as usual.
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