At about 10 in the morning, the Madiwala market in Bangalore seem to stop functioning. There were whisperings all around as she made her way into the market. Dressed often in a Pink saree draped nicely over her slender figure, Priya was the onlookers delight.
Locks of her officially complimented long hairs were something to be looked by men, and envied by women. Cherry full-lips, curvy brows, a protruding nose and deep black eyes made her one of the most attractive females to walk into that market.

But, no one had the guts to actually speak against her. She was the wife of an Indian Navy officer. But! gossip mongrels would never stop. That she was the wife of Indian officer and staying alone in that big house of Koramangala often raised questions. She had a maid who when asked told that Priya was an extremely nice woman who kept her busy with cooking and household stuffs.
But they were quizzical of her other activities. Had she got a man visiting her house? she is so hot', how can she not have a man? oh! she must be a treacherous female'. There were comments flying round everywhere.
It was Friday. Pakistan and India were fighting for the pursuit of Kargil. News flashed that in the process of it fighting, Priya's husband had laid down his life for the cause of nation. Priya was shocked. Her life was finished. She had no one in world to turn to. And over that the man seem to find a way to get into her.
The onlookers now had developed courage to apprehend and question her. In the name of sympathies, they would touch her. Older men had got more time now to leech about her, younger men wouldn't mind anything to ogole at her body.

Priya sat before the mirror and examined her breasts. She was angry and quizzical of her body. She took that comb of hers and started brushing her hairs rigorously. It is this body which has become her enemy, once epicenter of million hearts , is today being leeched upon. Tears rolled from her eyes and tucked her a bit.
She had a look into her womanhood, and thought if she required a man to at least balance in this world of man. But Man!! who would not leech upon her? But what! if he did? Fine, at least she would get some support. She wiped away her tears. There was no point in crying. It had just started raining. The monsoon had an early set in. Priya stepped outside in search for a job.
awesomely well written... i can visualize it while reading....
awesome u n keep up ur good work.
Good work buddy... U r a gr8 envisager of women n their struts... keep the good work going... u have a lot more women to speak about... no personal friends here...
The article is really well crafted and laid out.
It is a pity and shamefully tragic that in Indian society woman always needs a man around for her to be protected. We are so used to invade other's personal space that we don't realise other person's right to live the life the way he/she wants.
I don't see any solution to this.
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