I woke up this morning to receive one of the worst pieces of news to my youthful life: The King of Pop is no more. Usually,I have this habit of checking my emails and scraps early morning to respond to any important businesses.
However, this news, which flashed on Rediff and later on NDTV, made me completely down. I am not a person who shows random emotions, but I fell that MJ-you would be missed badly.
In my younger years, I have watched THRILLER and BAD videos so much that my mom had to cajole me with chocolates to persuade me to go to school. In later years, I wanted to show a few moves to girls, but badly turned a sorry figure. I never could dance.This is a fact.

Well! I am still choked with emotions, but being a star you had seen everything-from poverty to a crazy stud THRILLER video, which sold 50 million copies worldwide. Your style and persona from which even Bappida and Prabhu Deva imitated is known worldwide. When you speak about Dance, you talk about MJ. History will always remember you.
There are a few celebrities that I would have wished to met- Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and you. Unfortunately, God has called all of you up. I guess whom the Gods love they die young. May MJ you rest in peace!
I conclude with my favorite song lyrics:
Liberian girl . . .
You came and you changed
My world
A love so brand new
Liberian girl . . .
You came and you changed
Me girl
A feeling so true
Yours ardent fan
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